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Regional Water Providers Consortium Events

Water Week – April 23-29, 2023

Each April, water professionals from around the country travel to Washington, D.C. for Water Week​​ where they advocate for access to safe, reliable, and affordable drinking water for all communities. From April 23 – 29, the Consortium will be participating in Water Week by posting about the importance of investment in critical infrastructure, resiliency, and how to engage the public and local decisionmakers through legislative advocacy.

While every week is “Water Week” in our world, the last week in April is dedicated to sharing information about water policy and regulatory changes with our partners in Washington, D.C. It is also an opportunity to advocate to members of congress the need for federal investment in safe, sustainable, reliable, and affordable drinking water across the nation. 

How do water providers put this advocacy into practice day-to-day? Water providers also work together locally each week of the year to build, maintain, repair, and upgrade critical water infrastructure like pipes, fire hydrants, pump stations, and reservoirs. In addition, providers comply with drinking water regulations, secure funding for projects, and keep elected officials and policy makers informed about drinking water issues. Learn more about how [YOUR ENTITY] is one of many water providers across the greater Portland metro region that works for a reliable, resilient water system at

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