Water Quality

For West Slope Water District, providing safe, reliable drinking water service is our number one priority! In fact, we are required to make sure that your drinking water meets strict state and federal standards to protect you from waterborne illnesses and other sources of contamination. The federal organization in charge of creating and implementing the standards is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA regulates acceptable limits for more than 90 contaminants to keep drinking water supplies safe. Learn more about what is (and isn’t) in your drinking water by visiting the link below.
Water Quality Reports
Continuous monitoring of water quality is one way the District protects the water we drink. The West Slope Water District has been supplying clean, high quality water to our community since 1922. The annual Water Quality Report is issued by June 30 of each year.
November Supplemental Water Quality Data.pdf2024 Drinking Water Quality Report.pdf2023 Drinking Water Quality Report.pdf2022 Drinking Water Quality Report2021 Drinking Water Quality Report