Resolution 03-2023
- A Resolution Amending The District's Fees for Installing New Service Connections, Installing New Meters, And Inspecting Customer Installed Meters And Services.
- A Resolution Amending System Development Charges (SDC) For The West Slope Water District And Declaring An Effective Date of April 3, 2023.
Resolution 11-2022
- A Resolution Authorizing A Transfer Of Budget Appropriations Within The Fiscal Year 2022-23 Budget.
- A Resolution Establishing Rates, Fees, And Other Charges For The West Slope Water District; Declaring Effective Date; And Other Matters Relating Thereto
- A Resolution Updating the Fire Hydrant Use Regulations Policy
- A Resolution Amending the Public Records Request Policy for the West Slope Water District.
- A Resolution Adopting The Budget
- A Resolution Establishing Rates, Fees, And Other Charges For The West Slope Water District; Declaring Effective Date; And Other Matters Relating Thereto
- A Resolution Adopting Corrected Appropriations for the Fiscal Year 2021-22
- A Resolution Amending System Development Chares (SDC) For the West Slope Water District and Declaring an Effective Date of April 1, 2022.
- A Resolution Amending the District's Fees for Installing New Service Connections, Installing New Meters, And Inspecting Customer Installed Meters and Services.
- A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the West Slope Water District Adjusting District Employee Salary Schedules.
- A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the West Slope Water District to Establish a Cost of Living Adjustment Policy for District Employee Position Salary Schedules and District Employee Salaries.
Resolution 10-2021
- A Resolution Authorizing A Transfer of Budget Appropriations Within The Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget
- Resolution Adopting The Budget and Making Appropriations
- A Resolution Establishing Rates, Fees, And Other Charges For The West Slope Water District; Declaring Effective Date; And Other Matters Relating Thereto
- A Resolution Amending The District's Fees for Installing New Service Connections, Installing New Meters, And Inspecting Customer Installed Meters And Services
- A Resolution Authorizing A Transfer of Budget Appropriations Within The Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Budget
- A Resolution Authorizing A Transfer of Budget Appropriations Within The Fiscal Year 2020-21 Budget
- A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the West Slope Water District Adjusting District Employee Salary Schedules
- A Resolution Amending System Development Charges (SDC) For The West Slope Water District And Declaring An Effective Date Of April 1, 2021
- A Resolution Reauthorizing A Reserve Fund - Capital Improvement
- A Resolution Reauthorizing A Reserve Fund - Work Truck And Equipment
Resolution 07-2020
- A Resolution Authorizing A Transfer of Budget Appropriations Within the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Budget
- A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners Adopting Policy for Work After PERS Retirement
- Amending System Development Charges (SDC) Effective October 1, 2020
- Authorizing a transfer of budget appropriations within the fiscal year 2019-20 Budget
- Adopting The Budget.
- Adopt Revisions to the District's Customer Leak Adjustment Policy
Resolution 09-2019
- Adopt a District Policy for Prevention of Workplace Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation
- Authorizing a Transfer of Budget Appropriations within FY 2019-20 Budget
- Establishing Rates, Fees and Other Changes
- Amend District's Employee Boot Allowance Policy
- Adopting FYE June 30, 2020 Budget and making appropriations
- Amend Fee Schedule to Include New System Development Charges
- Amending System Development Charges
- Adjusting District Employee Salary Schedules
- Revising Employee Vacation and Medical Leave
Resolution 08-2018
- Adjusting Fees for turning a customer's water back on after hours and for hydrant permits
- Establishing Rates, Fees, and Other Charges
- Adopting FYE June 30, 2019 Budget and making appropriations
- Adopting a Supplemental Budget for FYE June 30, 2018
- Establishing a Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund prior to June 30, 2018
- Authorizing a Transfer of Budget Appropriations for FYE June 30, 2018
- Adjusting fees for customer shut-off notices and shutoff visits
- Adjusting District Employee Salary Ranges
Resolution 04-2017
- Discriminatory Workplace Harassment Policy
- Authorizing signers on District's Bank Accounts
- Adjusting District Employee Salary Ranges
Resolution 08-2016
- District Policy for Employee Whistle blower Protection
- Ethical Standards of Conduct for Elected Officials
- Authorizing signers on District's Bank Account
- Revised Customer Leak Adjustment Policy
- Adopting FY 2016-2017 Budget, and Making Appropriations.
- Revised Cross Connection Control Program
- Adjusted District Employee Salary Ranges
- Amended West Slope Water District Public Contracting Rule
Resolution 06-2015
- Adopting Correction to Employee Handbook
- Amending System Development Charges Charges
- Adopting FY 2015-2016 Budget and Making Appropriations.
- Establishing the Schedule for the Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners
- Adjusting District Employee Salary Ranges
- Adjusting System Development Charges
Resolution 10-2014
- Accepting the FYE 06/30/2014 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
- Establishing the Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners for FYE 06/30/2014
- Adopting the Budget and Making Appropriations for FYE 06/30/2015.
- Adopting the SDIS Amended Trust Agreement
- Establishing Rates, Fees, and Other Charges
- Adjusting District Employee Salary Ranges
- Authorizing transfer between appropriations categories for FYE 06.30.14.
- Adopting the Water System Master Plan
- Adjusting System Development Charges Effective February 1, 2014
- Accepting the FYE 06/30/2013 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report